Terms and Conditions
Business Listing Directory
Client Commitments
- To enter correct and truthful information
- To understand our free listing service runs seasonally and will be reviewed and are subject to change at that point.
- To provide business information to support entrepreneurs
- To deem Jilly Mac legally at no fault in any case of errors in information
Use of Client Information
- By listing your details on our business directory you the client agree to your information to be publically listed on our website https://jillymactoolkit.com and/or printed or online viewable directory
Information errors/conflicts
- Errors generated by Jilly Mac will be rectified
- Errors generated by the client inclusive of missing/wrong information and incorrect details will only be rectified at Jilly Macs discretion
- Listings that have errors or false information may be removed without notice;
- Listings that conflict with Jilly Mac own business with not listed at our discretion;
Cancelations & Renewals
If for any reason you need to cancel your listing please contact admin@jillymactoolkit.com
- The term "Client" refers to those submitting their business information for Jilly Mac Toolkits Business Directory.
- The term "Jilly Mac" refers to our business and the provider of this service.